Steven Gerrard oprostio se emotivnim pismom i prekrasnom slikom

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Jučer je nogometni svijet lagano uzdrmao oproštaj velikog Stevena Gerrarda. Mnogi su očekivali da će još odigrati bar jednu sezonu u Premiershipu, ali ipak se odlučio na oproštaj.

Mnogi suigrači, ali i protivnici, cijeli dan su posvećivali veznjaku objave na interenetu što je samo dokaz o kakvom velikanu se radi. On im nije ostao dužan pa se tako vrlo emotivnim pismom javio svima koji su bili dio njegove velike karijere:

“Prije svega, hvala svima u Liverpoolu. Ponosan sam što sam igrao i kao kapetan predvodio Liverpool toliko godina i da sam postigao sve što mi je uspjelos klubom. Imao sam sreću igrati uz velike igrače i pod fantastičnim menadžerima na Anfieldu i želim zahvaliti ponaosob svakom od njih, kao i kompletnom pomoćnom osoblju u klubu koje mi je cijelo vrijeme bilo fantastična podrška. Posebnu zahvalnost dugujem Steveu Heighwayu, Daveu Shannonu i Hughu McAuleyu jer su vjerovali u mene kada sam se počeo probijati u Liverpoolu i jer su mi dali temelje i priliku da ispunim svoje snove.
Hvala nevjerojatnim navijačima Liverpoola, Engleske i LA Galaxyja za veličanstvenu podršku koju ste mi davali tijekom karijere. Vaša odanost i podrška mi je značila sve.
Želi zahvaliti Struanu Marshallu, koji mi je bio agent tijekom svih 18 godina moje karijere.
Sretan sam što sam imao tako bliske prijatelje na koje sam uvijek mogao računati i osloniti se tijekom cijele karijere. Hvala vam svima na tome.
Konačno, najvažnija zahvala; mojoj obitelji. Mojoj mami, tati i bratu Paulu nikad se neću moći zahvaliti dovoljno na njihovoj bezuvjetnoj podršci tijekom godina. Mojoj ženi Alex i djeci Lily, Lexie i Lourdes, hvala vam na stalnoj ljubavi i podršci koju mi pokazujete.
Bili ste uz mene tijekom dobrih i loših dana i bez vas ništa ne bi bilo moguće. Hvala vam na svemu.
Uzbuđen sam zbog budućnosti i osjećam da imam dosta za ponuditi nogometu. Trenutno razmatram nekoliko opcija i vrlo brzo ću objaviti što će biti iduće poglavlje moje karijere.”

Following recent media speculation surrounding my future I can confirm my retirement from playing professional football.I have had an incredible career and am thankful for each and every moment of my time at Liverpool, England and LA Galaxy. I feel very fortunate to have had the career I've had but none of it would have been possible without the support of so many people. Firstly, I would like to thank everyone at Liverpool Football Club. I am proud to have played for and captained Liverpool for so many years and to have achieved what we achieved during my time at the club. I was lucky to play alongside some great players and under some fantastic managers during my time at Anfield and would like to thank each and every one of them, as well as all of the backroom staff at the club for the fantastic support they showed me. I would like to say a special thank you to Steve Heighway, Dave Shannon and Hugh McAuley for believing in me when I was making my way at Liverpool and for giving me the platform to go on and fulfil my dreams. Thank you to the amazing fans of Liverpool, England and LA Galaxy for the incredible backing you have given me throughout my career. Your loyalty and support has meant the world. I would like to thank Struan Marshall, my agent throughout my career, and the team at Wasserman for all of their support over the past 18 years. I feel lucky to have had such a close group of friends that I have always been able to count and rely on throughout the course of my career. Thank you to all of you. Finally, the most important thank you; to my family. I cannot thank my Mum, Dad and brother Paul enough for their unconditional support over the years, it has meant everything to me. To my wife Alex and children Lily, Lexie and Lourdes, thank you for the constant love and support you’ve shown me. You’ve been there through the good times and the bad and without you nothing would have been possible. Thank you for everything. I am excited about the future and feel I still have a lot to offer the game. I am currently taking my time to consider a number of options and will make an announcement with regards to the next stage of my career very soon.

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